Mr. Girdhari Lal Sharma, Poet, Writer, Cum Translator of Sanskrit, English, Best Swimmer, Diver, Wrestler Ex-oral surgery technician text knowledge to human anatomy, neurology, psychology, physiology and microbiology and M.A. Public administration. Cognition Yoga expert. The Gita Poetic translation Gita from Sanskrit into Poetry. Interviews in Daily Bhaskar and Real Ganesh warship or a symbolic meanings of Ganesh the God of wisdom. Social work & charity within for four rainy season Hundred Trees as a (Oxygen Generates) climate toxin and carbon dioxide absorber have been planted on various temples as a climate Protection as well as various trust trees mango – ponygratte, Neems, banayanas, bargads have been planted and donation for charity stone Platforms, store branches have trees done by the cognition Yoga centre as shelter for Birds its. Rajasthan Government, Medical Health Department for the Best service and Poetic Poem over twenty Years on Independent days and Republic days.
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